Sometimes you may notice when you try to install a program on to your computer, you get a message from Panda antivirus which says “Untrusted program blocked, A file is attempting to run on your computer may pose security risk for your company. As a preventive measure, it will be prevented from running until we check that it is 100% trusted application”. To stop Panda from scanning the file you can set up an exception in security.
Please follow these steps
Go to the Admin portal of Panda antivirus.
Then click on the client (if you have more than one client set up on the Same portal) and then go to Settings. Here you should see Workstations and servers under Security on the left-hand side section.
Click on default settings.
Please note that you won’t be able to customise the default settings and may see a message like
“The default settings cannot be modified or deleted. Copy these settings if you want to customize them.”

You would need to copy the default settings and then change settings according to your need.

If you are just planning to set these settings only to stop specific file being scanned by Panda then just create a name to identify the policies, then click on General the scroll down till you find Files and paths excluded from scans.
Here you need to type the name of the file name with the extension and then hit save from the top right hand side corner.

Once it is saved then you can add recipient (The computer that has issues on running Panda), once added just save again.

Now Log back on to the computer again and sync the Panda agent.

Once it synced, it should show a message like “Synchronization is completed, the changes were applied successfully.”

After this, you should be able to install the program.
Please note, these above steps are for Panda adaptive Defence 360 users. In some cases, you may also need to Restart the PC.
We hope, you will find this information useful. Please let us know your feedback on the comment section below.
Image courtesy: Panda